General and practical information
- Arrival and departure: The
workshop will start on Monday
Jan. 7th. Participants can arrive as early as Sunday Jan. 6th afternoon.
The workshop
will end on Friday 11th
after lunch.
- Conference center: The
workshop will take place in a
specialized conference center
(with all facilities, see
the website).
the attendants will be
accommodated in single rooms,
within the conference center. The
meals will be taken in the
restaurant of the center (as a side note,
the center requires us to respect strictly
the hours of the restaurant - lunch at 12:30, and dinner at 19:30).
- Talks: There will be 2
series of talks every day (except Wednesday): one in
the morning (8:50am to 11:30am) and one in
the afternoon (5:00pm to 6:30pm).
- Free afternoons: Afternoons are free for scientific discussions, possibly on skis.
- Fees: There will be no fee
for the workshop. Moreover, the costs of lodging and meals for all the
guests will be covered by the
- Weather:
The weather is cold and snowy in the Alps at this period of the year, and all participants should have warm clothes and good shoes.
People who would like to go skiing should also wear adapted attire.
Where is it ?
The conference center is located in
the small ski resort of
Les Houches, in
the French Alps, on the slopes of the
Mont Blanc. It is 10 minutes away
from Chamonix and one hour from
Geneva. The place is easily
(car, taxi, bus, train)
from the Geneva
airport. See
the schematic map
below. More precise
information is
available on the
website of the conference center.
If you choose to use a limousine
service (sort of shared taxi) from
Geneva airport to the Chamonix area:
you could notify that you go to the
conference, and the limo compagny will
group you with others participants.