Source code for cyanure

# Author: Julien Mairal <>
# License: BSD 3 clause

from abc import abstractmethod
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
import cyanure_wrap

def preprocess(X, centering=False, normalize=True, columns=False):
    """Perform in-place centering or normalization, either of columns or rows
    of the input matrix X

    X : numpy array, or scipy sparse CSR matrix
        input matrix

    centering : boolean, default=False
        perform a centering operation

    normalize : boolean, default=True

    columns : boolean, default=False
        operates on rows (False) or columns (True).

    if scipy.sparse.issparse(X):
        Xf = X.T
        Xf = np.asfortranarray(X.T)
    return cyanure_wrap.preprocess_(Xf, centering, normalize, not columns)

class ERM:
    """The generic class for empirical risk minimization problems.
    For univariates problems, minimizes

        min_{w,b} (1/n) sum_{i=1}^n L( y_i, <w, x_i> + b)   + psi(w)


    def __init__(self, loss='square', penalty='l2', fit_intercept=False):
        """Initialization function of the ERM class.

        loss : string, default='square'
            Loss function to be used. Possible choices are
            - 'square' =>  L(y,z) = 0.5 ( y-z)^2
            - 'logistic' => L(y,z) = log(1 + e^{-y z} )
            - 'sqhinge' or 'squared_hinge' => L(y,z) = 0.5 max( 0, 1- y z)^2
            - 'safe-logistic' => L(y,z) = e^{ yz - 1 } - y z  if yz <= 1
                                 and 0 otherwise
            - 'multiclass-logistic' => multinomial logistic (see Latex
            Note that for binary classification, we assume the labels to be of
            the form {-1,+1}

        penalty: string, default='none'
            Regularization function psi. Possible choices are

            For univariate problems
            - 'none' => psi(w) = 0
            - 'l2' =>  psi{w) = (lambd/2) ||w||_2^2
            - 'l1' =>  psi{w) = lambd ||w||_1
            - 'elastic-net' =>  psi{w) = lambd ||w||_1 + (lambd2/2)||w||_2^2
            - 'fused-lasso' => psi(w) = lambd sum_{i=2}^p |w[i]-w[i-1]|
                                      + lambd2||w||_1 + (lambd3/2)||w||_2^2
            - 'l1-ball'     => encodes the constraint ||w||_1 <= lambd
            - 'l2-ball'     => encodes the constraint ||w||_2 <= lambd

            For multivariate problems, the previous penalties operate on each
            individual (e.g., class) predictor.
            In addition, multitask-group Lasso penalties are provided for
            multivariate problems (w is then a matrix)
            - 'l1l2' or 'l1linf', see Latex documentation

        fit_intercept: boolean, default='False'
            learns an unregularized intercept b  (or several intercepts for
            multivariate problems)

        self.loss = loss
        if (loss == 'squared_hinge'):
            self.loss = 'sqhinge'
        self.penalty = penalty
        self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept
        self.w = 0
        self.b = 0
        self.dual_variable = None

    def fit(self, X, y, lambd=0, lambd2=0, lambd3=0, solver='auto', tol=1e-3,
            it0=10, max_epochs=500, l_qning=20, f_restart=50, verbose=True,
            restart=False, univariate=True, nthreads=-1, seed=0):
        The fitting function (the one that does the job)


        X : numpy array, or scipy sparse CSR matrix
            input n x p numpy matrix; the samples are on the rows

        y : labels, numpy array.
            - vector of size n with real values for regression
            - vector of size n with {-1,+1} labels for binary classification,
              which will be automatically converted if labels in {0,1} are
            - matrix of size n x k for multivariate regression
            - vector of size n with entries in {0,1,k-1} for classification
              with k classes

        lambd: float, default=0
            first regularization parameter

        lambd2: float, default=0
            second regularization parameter, if needed

        lambd3: float, default=0
            third regularization parameter, if needed

        solver: string, default='auto'
            Optimization solver. Possible choices are
            - 'ista'
            - 'fista'
            - 'catalyst-ista'
            - 'qning-ista'  (proximal quasi-Newton method)
            - 'svrg'
            - 'catalyst-svrg' (accelerated SVRG with Catalyst)
            - 'qning-svrg'  (quasi-Newton SVRG)
            - 'acc-svrg'    (SVRG with direct acceleration)
            - 'miso'
            - 'catalyst-miso' (accelerated MISO with Catalyst)
            - 'qning-miso'  (quasi-Newton MISO)
            - 'auto'
            see the Latex documentation for more details.
            If you are unsure, use 'auto'

         tol: float, default='1e-3'
            Tolerance parameter. For almost all combinations of loss and
            penalty functions, this parameter is based on a duality gap.
            Assuming the (non-negative) objective function is "f" and its
            optimal value is "f^*", the algorithm stops with the guarantee

            f(x_t) - f^*  <=  tol f(x_t)

         max_epochs: int, default=500
            Maximum number of iteration of the algorithm in terms of passes
            over the data

         it0: int, default=10
            Frequency of duality-gap computation

         verbose: boolean, default=True
            Display information or not

         nthreads: int, default=-1
            maximum number of cores the method may use (-1 = all cores).
            Note that more cores is not always better.

         seed: int, default=0
            random seed

         restart: boolean, default=False
            use a restart strategy (useful for computing regularization path)

         univariate: boolean, default=True
            univariate or multivariate problems

         l_qning: int, default=20
            memory paramter for the qning method

         f_restart: int, default=50
            restart strategy for fista


        test returns a numpy array carrying information about the optimization
        process (number of iterations, objective function values, duality gap)
        will be documented in the future if people ask me,

        if y.ndim == 0:
            print("Please provide label vector")
        Xf = X.T if scipy.sparse.issparse(X) else np.asfortranarray(X.T)
        p = X.shape[1]+1 if self.fit_intercept else X.shape[1]
        y = np.squeeze(y)
        if y.shape[0] != X.shape[0]:
            print("X and y should have the same number of observations")
        if univariate:
            w0 = np.zeros(p, dtype=Xf.dtype)
            yf = np.squeeze(y.astype(Xf.dtype))
            if y.squeeze().ndim > 1:
                nclasses = y.squeeze().shape[1]
                yf = np.asfortranarray(y.T)
                nclasses = int(np.max(y)+1)
                yf = np.squeeze(np.int32(y))
            w0 = np.zeros([p, nclasses], dtype=Xf.dtype, order='F')

        if restart and np.any(self.w != 0):
            if self.fit_intercept:
                w0[-1, ] = self.b
                w0[0:-1, ] = self.w
                w0 = self.w

        if restart and (solver == 'auto' or solver == 'miso' or
                        solver == 'catalyst-miso' or solver == 'qning-miso'):
            n = X.shape[0]
            reset_dual = np.any(self.dual_variable is None)
            if not reset_dual and univariate:
                reset_dual = self.dual_variable.shape[0] != n
            if not reset_dual and not univariate:
                reset_dual = np.any(self.dual_variable.shape != [n, nclasses])
            if reset_dual and univariate:
                self.dual_variable = np.zeros(n, dtype=Xf.dtype)
            if reset_dual and not univariate:
                self.dual_variable = np.zeros([n, nclasses], dtype=Xf.dtype)

        w = np.copy(w0)
        optim_info = cyanure_wrap.erm_(
            Xf, yf, w0, w, dual_variable=self.dual_variable, loss=self.loss,
            penalty=self.penalty, solver=solver, lambd=float(lambd),
            lambd2=float(lambd2), lambd3=float(lambd3),
            intercept=bool(self.fit_intercept), tol=float(tol), it0=int(it0),
            nepochs=int(max_epochs), l_qning=int(l_qning),
            f_restart=int(f_restart), verbose=bool(verbose),
            univariate=bool(univariate), nthreads=int(nthreads), seed=int(seed)
        if self.fit_intercept:
            self.b = w[-1, ]
            self.w = w[0:-1, ]
            self.w = w
        return optim_info

    def predict(self, X):
        predict the labels given an input matrix X (same format as fit)

    def get_weights(self):
        get the model parameters (either w or the tuple (w,b))
        return (self.w, self.b) if self.fit_intercept else self.w

    def eval(self, X, y, lambd=0, lambd2=0, lambd3=0):
        get the value of the objective function and computes a relative
        duality gap, see function fit for the format of parameters.
        return, y, lambd=lambd, lambd2=lambd2, lambd3=lambd3,
                        max_epochs=0, verbose=False, restart=True)

[docs]class BinaryClassifier(ERM): """ The binary classification class, which derives from ERM. The goal is to minimize the following objective .. math:: \\min_{w,b} \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^n L\\left( y_i, w^\\top x_i + b\\right) + \\psi(w), where :math:`L` is a classification loss, :math:`\\psi` is a regularization function (or constraint), :math:`w` is a p-dimensional vector representing model parameters, and b is an optional unregularized intercept. We expect binary labels in {-1,+1}. Parameters ---------- loss: string, default='square' Loss function to be used. Possible choices are - 'square' => :math:`L(y,z) = \\frac{1}{2} ( y-z)^2` - 'logistic' => :math:`L(y,z) = \\log(1 + e^{-y z} )` - 'sqhinge' or 'squared_hinge' => :math:`L(y,z) = \\frac{1}{2} \\max( 0, 1- y z)^2` - 'safe-logistic' => :math:`L(y,z) = e^{ yz - 1 } - y z ~\\text{if}~ yz \\leq 1~~\\text{and}~~0` otherwise penalty: string, default='l2' Regularization function psi. Possible choices are - 'none' => :math:`\\psi(w) = 0` - 'l2' => :math:`\\psi(w) = \\frac{\\lambda}{2} \\|w\\|_2^2` - 'l1' => :math:`\\psi(w) = \\lambda \\|w\\|_1` - 'elastic-net' => :math:`\\psi(w) = \\lambda \\|w\\|_1 + \\frac{\\lambda_2}{2}\\|w\\|_2^2` - 'fused-lasso' => :math:`\\psi(w) = \\lambda \\sum_{i=2}^p |w[i]-w[i-1]| + \\lambda_2\\|w\\|_1 + \\frac{\\lambda_3}{2}\\|w\\|_2^2` - 'l1-ball' => encodes the constraint :math:`\\|w\\|_1 \\leq \\lambda` - 'l2-ball' => encodes the constraint :math:`\\|w\\|_2 \\leq \\lambda` fit_intercept: boolean, default='False' learns an unregularized intercept b """
[docs] def fit(self, X, y, lambd=0, lambd2=0, lambd3=0, solver='auto', tol=1e-3, it0=10, max_epochs=500, l_qning=20, f_restart=50, verbose=True, restart=False, nthreads=-1, seed=0): """ The fitting function (the one that does the job) Parameters ---------- X: numpy array, or scipy sparse CSR matrix input n x p numpy matrix; the samples are on the rows y: labels, numpy array. - vector of size n with {-1,+1} labels for binary classification, which will be automatically converted if labels in {0,1} are provided lambd: float, default=0 first regularization parameter :math:`\\lambda` lambd2: float, default=0 second regularization parameter :math:`\\lambda_2`, if needed lambd3: float, default=0 third regularization parameter :math:`\\lambda_3`, if needed solver: string, default='auto' Optimization solver. Possible choices are - 'ista' - 'fista' - 'catalyst-ista' - 'qning-ista' (proximal quasi-Newton method) - 'svrg' - 'catalyst-svrg' (accelerated SVRG with Catalyst) - 'qning-svrg' (quasi-Newton SVRG) - 'acc-svrg' (SVRG with direct acceleration) - 'miso' - 'catalyst-miso' (accelerated MISO with Catalyst) - 'qning-miso' (quasi-Newton MISO) - 'auto' see the Latex documentation for more details. If you are unsure, use 'auto' tol: float, default='1e-3' Tolerance parameter. For almost all combinations of loss and penalty functions, this parameter is based on a duality gap. Assuming the (non-negative) objective function is :math:`f` and its optimal value is :math:`f^*`, the algorithm stops with the guarantee .. math:: f(x_t) - f^* \\leq tol f(x_t) max_epochs: int, default=500 Maximum number of iteration of the algorithm in terms of passes over the data it0: int, default=10 Frequency of duality-gap computation verbose: boolean, default=True Display information or not nthreads: int, default=-1 maximum number of cores the method may use (-1 = all cores). Note that more cores is not always better. seed: int, default=0 random seed restart: boolean, default=False use a restart strategy (useful for computing regularization path) univariate: boolean, default=True univariate or multivariate problems l_qning: int, default=20 memory parameter for the qning method f_restart: int, default=50 restart strategy for fista Returns ------- numpy array information about the optimization process (number of iterations, objective function values, duality gap) will be documented in the future if people ask me. """ y = np.squeeze(y) uniq = np.unique(y) nb_classes = len(uniq) if nb_classes != 2: raise ValueError("{} classes detected; use MulticlassClassifier instead".format(nb_classes)) if not np.all(uniq == [-1, 1]): print("You have called BinaryClassifier, labels should be either " "-1 or 1, but they are") print(np.unique(y)) print("Automatic conversion to [-1,1]") neg = y == uniq[0] y[neg] = -1 y[np.logical_not(neg)] = 1 return super().fit(X, y, lambd=lambd, lambd2=lambd2, lambd3=lambd3, solver=solver, tol=tol, it0=it0, max_epochs=max_epochs, l_qning=l_qning, f_restart=f_restart, verbose=verbose, restart=restart, univariate=True, nthreads=nthreads, seed=seed)
[docs] def predict(self, X): pred = if self.fit_intercept: pred += self.b return np.sign(pred)
[docs] def score(self, X, y): """Compute classification accuracy of the model for new test data (X,y) """ y = np.squeeze(y) uniq = np.unique(y) if not np.all(uniq == [-1, 1]): print("You have called BinaryClassifier, labels should be either " "-1 or 1, but they are") print(np.unique(y)) print("Automatic conversion to [-1,1]") neg = y == uniq[0] y[neg] = -1 y[np.logical_not(neg)] = 1 pred = np.squeeze(self.predict(X)) return np.sum(np.squeeze(y) == pred)/pred.shape[0]
[docs]class Regression(ERM): """ The regression class. The objective is the same as for the BinaryClassifier class, but we use a regression loss only (see below), and the targets will be real values. Parameters ---------- loss: string, default='square' Only the square loss is implemented at this point - 'square' => :math:`L(y,z) = \\frac{1}{2} ( y-z)^2` penalty: string, default='l2' same as for the class BinaryClassifier fit_intercept: boolean, default='False' learns an unregularized intercept b """ def __init__(self, loss='square', penalty='l2', fit_intercept=False): if loss != 'square': print("square loss should be used") return super().__init__(loss=loss, penalty=penalty, fit_intercept=fit_intercept)
[docs] def fit(self, X, y, lambd=0, lambd2=0, lambd3=0, solver='auto', tol=1e-3, it0=10, max_epochs=500, l_qning=20, f_restart=50, verbose=True, restart=False, nthreads=-1, seed=0): """ The fitting function is the same as for the class BinaryClassifier, except that we do not necessarily expect binary labels in y. """ return super().fit(X, y, lambd=lambd, lambd2=lambd2, lambd3=lambd3, solver=solver, tol=tol, it0=it0, max_epochs=max_epochs, l_qning=l_qning, f_restart=f_restart, verbose=verbose, restart=restart, univariate=True, nthreads=nthreads, seed=seed)
[docs] def predict(self, X): pred = if self.fit_intercept: pred += self.b return pred
[docs]class MultiClassifier(ERM): """The multi-class classification class. The goal is to minimize the following objective .. math:: \\min_{W,b} \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^n L\\left( y_i, W^\\top x_i + b\\right) + \\psi(W), where :math:`L` is a classification loss, :math:`\\psi` is a regularization function (or constraint), :math:`W=[w_1,\\ldots,w_k]` is a (p x k) matrix that carries the k predictors, where k is the number of classes, and :math:`y_i` is a label in :math:`\\{1,\\ldots,k\\}`. b is a k-dimensional vector representing an unregularized intercept (which is optional). Parameters ---------- loss: string, default='square' Loss function to be used. Possible choices are - any loss function compatible with the class BinaryClassifier e.g. ('square', 'logistic', 'sqhinge', 'safe-logistic'). In such a case, the loss function encodes a one vs. all strategy based on the chosen binary-classification loss. - 'multiclass-logistic', which is also called multinomial or softmax logistic: .. math:: L(y, W^\\top x + b) = \\sum_{j=1}^k \\log\\left(e^{w_j^\\top + b_j} - e^{w_y^\\top + b_y} \\right) penalty: string, default='l2' Regularization function psi. Possible choices are - any penalty function compatible with the class BinaryClassifier such as ('none', 'l2', 'l1', 'elastic-net', 'fused-lasso', 'l1-ball', 'l2-ball'). In such a case,. the penalty is applied on each predictor :math:`w_j` individually: .. math:: \\psi(W) = \\sum_{j=1}^k \\psi(w_j). - 'l1l2', which is the multi-task group Lasso regularization .. math:: \\psi(W) = \\lambda \\sum_{j=1}^p \\|W^j\\|_2~~~~ \\text{where}~W^j~\\text{is the j-th row of}~W. - 'l1linf' .. math:: \\psi(W) = \\lambda \\sum_{j=1}^p \\|W^j\\|_\\infty. - 'l1l2+l1', which is the multi-task group Lasso regularization + l1 .. math:: \\psi(W) = \\sum_{j=1}^p \\lambda \\|W^j\\|_2 + \\lambda_2 \|W^j\|_1 ~~~~ \\text{where}~W^j~\\text{is the j-th row of}~W. fit_intercept: boolean, default='False' learns an unregularized intercept b, which is a k-dimensional vector """
[docs] def fit(self, X, y, lambd=0, lambd2=0, lambd3=0, solver='auto', tol=1e-3, it0=10, max_epochs=500, l_qning=20, f_restart=50, verbose=True, restart=False, nthreads=-1, seed=0): """Same as BinaryClassifier, but y should be a vector a n-dimensional vector of integers """ y = np.squeeze(y) if y.squeeze().ndim != 1 or np.any(y != y.astype(int)): print("y should be a n-dimensional vector of integers") return nclasses = np.max(y)+1 uniqu = np.unique(y) if nclasses == 2: print("Two classes detected, use BinaryClassifier instead") return if (nclasses != uniqu.shape[0] or not all(np.unique(y) == np.arange(nclasses))): print("Class labels should be of the form") print(np.arange(nclasses)) print("but they are") print(uniqu) return return super().fit( X, y, lambd=lambd, lambd2=lambd2, lambd3=lambd3, solver=solver, tol=tol, it0=it0, max_epochs=max_epochs, l_qning=l_qning, f_restart=f_restart, verbose=verbose, restart=restart, univariate=False, nthreads=nthreads, seed=seed)
[docs] def predict(self, X): """Predicts the class label""" pred = if self.fit_intercept: pred += self.b[np.newaxix, :] return np.argmax(pred, 1)
[docs] def score(self, X, y): """Gives a classification score on new test data""" pred = np.squeeze(self.predict(X)) return np.sum(np.squeeze(y) == pred)/pred.shape[0]
[docs]class MultiVariateRegression(ERM): """ The multivariate regression class. The objective is the same as for the MultiClassifier class, but we use a regression loss only (see below), and the targets :math:`y_i` are k-dimensional vectors. Parameters ---------- loss: string, default='square' Only the square loss is implemented at this point. Given two k-dimensional vectors y,z: - 'square' => :math:`L(y,z) = \\frac{1}{2} \\|y-z\\|^2` penalty: string, default='l2' same as for the class MultiClassifier fit_intercept: boolean, default='False' learns an unregularized intercept b """ def __init__(self, loss='square', penalty='l2', fit_intercept=False): if loss != 'square': print("square loss should be used") return super().__init__(loss=loss, penalty=penalty, fit_intercept=fit_intercept)
[docs] def fit(self, X, y, lambd=0, lambd2=0, lambd3=0, solver='auto', tol=1e-3, it0=10, max_epochs=500, l_qning=20, f_restart=50, verbose=True, restart=False, nthreads=-1, seed=0): """Same as, but y should be n x k, where k is size of the target for each data point """ if y.squeeze().ndim <= 1: print("y should be n x k, where k is size of the target " "for each data point") return return super().fit( X, y, lambd=lambd, lambd2=lambd2, lambd3=lambd3, solver=solver, tol=tol, it0=it0, max_epochs=max_epochs, l_qning=l_qning, f_restart=f_restart, verbose=verbose, restart=restart, univariate=False, nthreads=nthreads, seed=seed)
[docs] def predict(self, X): """Predicts the targets""" pred = if self.fit_intercept: pred += self.b[np.newaxix, :] return pred
[docs]class LinearSVC(BinaryClassifier): """ A compatibility class for scikit-learn user, but only for square hinge loss It is perfectly equivalent to the BinaryClassifier class, but the regularization parameter (here "C") is provided during the class initialization. Note that :math:`C= \\frac{1}{2n \\lambda}` Parameters ---------- loss: should be 'sqhinge' or 'squared_hinge' penalty: same as BinaryClassifier fit_intercept: same as BinaryClassifier C: regularization parameter max_iter: maximum number of iterations for the optimization solver """ def __init__(self, loss='sqhinge', penalty='l2', fit_intercept=False, C=1, max_iter=500): if loss != 'sqhinge' and loss != 'squared_hinge': print("LinearSVC is only compatible with squared hinge loss at " "the moment") super().__init__(loss='sqhinge', penalty=penalty, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, max_epochs=max_iter) self.C = C self.max_iter = max_iter
[docs] def fit(self, X, y, C=None, verbose=None, lambd2=0, lambd3=0, solver='auto', tol=1e-3, it0=10, max_iter=None, l_qning=20, f_restart=50, restart=False, nthreads=-1, seed=0): """Same as BinaryClassification, but the parameter C replaces lambd, and max_iter replaces max_epochs. """ n = X.shape[0] if C is not None: self.C = C if verbose is not None: self.verbose = verbose if max_iter is not None: self.max_iter = max_iter super().fit( X=X, y=y, lambd=1/(2*n*self.C), lambd2=lambd2, lambd3=lambd3, solver=solver, tol=tol, it0=it0, max_epochs=max_iter, l_qning=l_qning, f_restart=f_restart, verbose=verbose, restart=restart, nthreads=nthreads, seed=seed)
[docs]class LogisticRegression(BinaryClassifier): """ A compatibility class for scikit-learn user, but only for square hinge loss It is perfectly equivalent to the BinaryClassifier class, but the regularization parameter (here "C") is provided during the class initialization. Note that :math:`C= \\frac{1}{n \\lambda}` Parameters ---------- loss: should be 'sqhinge' or 'squared_hinge' penalty: same as BinaryClassifier fit_intercept: same as BinaryClassifier C: regularization parameter max_iter: maximum number of iterations for the optimization solver """ def __init__(self, penalty='l2', fit_intercept=False, C=1, max_iter=500): super().__init__(loss='logistic', penalty=penalty, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, max_epochs=max_iter) self.C = C self.max_iter = max_iter
[docs] def fit(self, X, y, C=None, lambd2=0, lambd3=0, solver='auto', tol=1e-3, it0=10, max_iter=None, l_qning=20, f_restart=50, verbose=None, restart=False, nthreads=-1, seed=0): """ Same as BinaryClassification, but the parameter C replaces lambd, and max_iter replaces max_epochs. """ n = X.shape[0] if C is not None: self.C = C if verbose is not None: self.verbose = verbose if max_iter is not None: self.max_iter = max_iter super().fit( X=X, y=y, lambd=1/(n*self.C), lambd2=lambd2, lambd3=lambd3, solver=solver, tol=tol, it0=it0, max_epochs=max_iter, l_qning=l_qning, f_restart=f_restart, verbose=verbose, restart=restart, nthreads=nthreads, seed=seed)