Many of the datasets I used are available here. I am waiting for the authorization from Criteo before putting their dataset online as well in .npz format.
Examples for binary classification¶
The following code performs binary classification with \(\ell_2\)-regularized logistic regression, with no intercept, on the criteo dataset (21Gb, huge sparse matrix)
import cyanure as cyan
import scipy.sparse
import numpy as np
#load criteo dataset 21Gb, n=45840617, p=999999
dataY=np.load('criteo_y.npz',allow_pickle=True); y=dataY['y']
X = scipy.sparse.load_npz('criteo_X.npz')
#normalize the rows of X in-place, without performing any copy
#declare a binary classifier for l2-logistic regression
# uses the auto solver by default, performs at most 500 epochs
Before we comment the previous choices, let us run the above code on a regular three-years-old quad-core workstation with 32Gb of memory (Intel Xeon CPU E5-1630 v4, 400$ retail price).
Matrix X, n=45840617, p=999999
Catalyst Accelerator
MISO Solver
Incremental Solver with uniform sampling
Lipschitz constant: 0.250004
Logistic Loss is used
L2 regularization
Epoch: 5, primal objective: 0.456014, time: 92.5784
Best relative duality gap: 14383.9
Epoch: 10, primal objective: 0.450885, time: 227.593
Best relative duality gap: 1004.69
Epoch: 15, primal objective: 0.450728, time: 367.939
Best relative duality gap: 6.50049
Epoch: 20, primal objective: 0.450724, time: 502.954
Best relative duality gap: 0.068658
Epoch: 25, primal objective: 0.450724, time: 643.323
Best relative duality gap: 0.00173208
Epoch: 30, primal objective: 0.450724, time: 778.363
Best relative duality gap: 0.00173207
Epoch: 35, primal objective: 0.450724, time: 909.426
Best relative duality gap: 9.36947e-05
Time elapsed : 928.114
The solver used was catalyst-miso; the problem was solved up to accuracy tol=0.001 in about 15mn after 35 epochs (without taking into account the time to load the dataset from the hard drive). The regularization parameter was chosen to be \(\lambda=\frac{1}{10n}\), which is close to the optimal one given by cross-validation. Even though performing a grid search with cross-validation would be more costly, it nevertheless shows that processing such a large dataset does not necessarily require to massively invest in Amazon EC2 credits, GPUs, or distributed computing architectures.
In the next example, we use the squared hinge loss with \(\ell_1\)-regularization, choosing the regularization parameter such that the obtained solution has about 10% non-zero coefficients. We also fit an intercept. As shown below, the solution is obtained in 26s on a laptop with a quad-core i7-8565U CPU (specifically a dell XPS 13 9380).
import cyanure as cyan
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
#load rcv1 dataset about 1Gb, n=781265, p=47152
data = np.load('rcv1.npz',allow_pickle=True); y=data['y']; X=data['X']
X = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(X.all()).T # n x p matrix, csr format
#normalize the rows of X in-place, without performing any copy
#declare a binary classifier for squared hinge loss + l1 regularization
# uses the auto solver by default, performs at most 500 epochs
which yields
Matrix X, n=781265, p=47152
Memory parameter: 20
QNing Accelerator
MISO Solver
Incremental Solver with uniform sampling
Lipschitz constant: 1
Squared Hinge Loss is used
L1 regularization
Epoch: 10, primal objective: 0.0915524, time: 7.33038
Best relative duality gap: 0.387338
Epoch: 20, primal objective: 0.0915441, time: 15.524
Best relative duality gap: 0.00426003
Epoch: 30, primal objective: 0.0915441, time: 25.738
Best relative duality gap: 0.000312145
Time elapsed : 26.0225
Total additional line search steps: 8
Total skipping l-bfgs steps: 0
Multiclass classification¶
Let us now do something a bit more involved and perform multinomial logistic regression on the ckn_mnist dataset (10 classes, n=60000, p=2304, dense matrix), with multi-task group lasso regularization, using the same laptop as previously, and choosing a regularization parameter that yields a solution with 5% non zero coefficients.
import cyanure as cyan
import numpy as np
#load ckn_mnist dataset 10 classes, n=60000, p=2304
data=np.load('ckn_mnist.npz'); y=data['y']; X=data['X']
#center and normalize the rows of X in-place, without performing any copy
#declare a multinomial logistic classifier with group Lasso regularization
# uses the auto solver by default, performs at most 500 epochs
which produces
Matrix X, n=60000, p=2304
Memory parameter: 20
QNing Accelerator
MISO Solver
Incremental Solver with uniform sampling
Lipschitz constant: 0.25
Multiclass logistic Loss is used
Mixed L1-L2 norm regularization
Epoch: 5, primal objective: 0.340267, time: 30.2643
Best relative duality gap: 0.332051
Epoch: 10, primal objective: 0.337646, time: 62.0562
Best relative duality gap: 0.0695877
Epoch: 15, primal objective: 0.337337, time: 93.9541
Best relative duality gap: 0.0172626
Epoch: 20, primal objective: 0.337293, time: 125.683
Best relative duality gap: 0.0106066
Epoch: 25, primal objective: 0.337285, time: 170.044
Best relative duality gap: 0.00409663
Epoch: 30, primal objective: 0.337284, time: 214.419
Best relative duality gap: 0.000677961
Time elapsed : 215.074
Total additional line search steps: 4
Total skipping l-bfgs steps: 0
Learning the multiclass classifier took about 3mn and 35s. To conclude, we provide a last more classical example of learning l2-logistic regression classifiers on the same dataset, in a one-vs-all fashion.
import cyanure as cyan
import numpy as np
#load ckn_mnist dataset 10 classes, n=60000, p=2304
data=np.load('ckn_mnist.npz'); y=data['y']; X=data['X']
#center and normalize the rows of X in-place, without performing any copy
#declare a multinomial logistic classifier with group Lasso regularization
# uses the auto solver by default, performs at most 500 epochs
Then, the 10 classifiers are learned in parallel using the four cpu cores (still on the same laptop), which gives the following output after about 1mn
Matrix X, n=60000, p=2304
Solver 4 has terminated after 30 epochs in 36.3953 seconds
Primal objective: 0.00877348, relative duality gap: 8.54385e-05
Solver 8 has terminated after 30 epochs in 37.5156 seconds
Primal objective: 0.0150244, relative duality gap: 0.000311491
Solver 9 has terminated after 30 epochs in 38.4993 seconds
Primal objective: 0.0161167, relative duality gap: 0.000290268
Solver 7 has terminated after 30 epochs in 39.5971 seconds
Primal objective: 0.0105672, relative duality gap: 6.49337e-05
Solver 0 has terminated after 40 epochs in 45.1612 seconds
Primal objective: 0.00577768, relative duality gap: 3.6291e-05
Solver 6 has terminated after 40 epochs in 45.8909 seconds
Primal objective: 0.00687928, relative duality gap: 0.000175357
Solver 2 has terminated after 40 epochs in 45.9899 seconds
Primal objective: 0.0104324, relative duality gap: 1.63646e-06
Solver 5 has terminated after 40 epochs in 47.1608 seconds
Primal objective: 0.00900643, relative duality gap: 3.42144e-05
Solver 3 has terminated after 30 epochs in 12.8874 seconds
Primal objective: 0.00804966, relative duality gap: 0.000200631
Solver 1 has terminated after 40 epochs in 15.8949 seconds
Primal objective: 0.00487406, relative duality gap: 0.000584138
Time for the one-vs-all strategy
Time elapsed : 62.9996
Note that the toolbox also provides the classes LinearSVC and LogisticRegression that are near-compatible with scikit-learn’s API.