Research Engineer
LEAR Team, INRIA, Grenoble, France

655 Avenue de l'Europe
38330 Montbonnot

After the ENSEEIHT engineering school and a PhD in computer vision at the univeristy of Toulouse, I joined the LEAR team at INRIA Grenoble as a research engineer. In 2010 I became a permanent member of the SED service, that provides engineering resources to the research projects. Since then, I share my time between two teams. See here for my involvement in SED/Kinovis. This page is dedcated to my work at LEAR.
Update: I am on leave to Facebook AI Research since mid-November 2015.


See the items on the left for the main scientific fields I am involved in, more or less in chronological order.

I work on the technical development project LAVA with Jakob Verbeek.

With Jakob Verbeek and Xavier Martin, I administrate the group's Linux machines and 40-node cluster, and help my colleagues with various technical problems they encounter.
