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====== Vidscreener ====== Collaborative video annotation tool, written as a Python web server with a Javascript/HTML5 front-end. The action annotation task is separated in 3 tasks: * class annotation: to ensure a video contains the suggested action, also an opportunity to find other classes * temporal annotation: videos tagged as positive reach this point * (**todo**) spatial annotation: relying on the temporal annotation, annotate actors/objects/body joints as bounding boxes, points... Created in summer 2015 by Xavier Martin and Philippe Weinzaepfel to annotate Youtube videos. [[|Get the source code (GForge)]] [[vidscreener:devlog|Development log]] [[vidscreener:guidelines|Annotation guidelines]] {{ :vidscreener:2015_09_02_temporal_interface.png?direct&600 |}}

vidscreener/main.txt · Last modified: 2015/11/12 17:37 by xmartin