Call for Workshop Proposals, ICCV 2005, Beijing

Call closes: Sunday 9 January 2005.
Acceptance notification: by Monday 28 February 2005.
E-mail proposals to:

The Tenth International Conference on Computer Vision will be held on Monday-Thursday 17-20 October 2005 at the Beijing Hotel, Beijing, China, with associated short courses and workshops held at the same venue on Saturday-Sunday 15-16 October 2005 and (workshops only) Friday 21 October 2005.

We are calling for proposals for topical high-quality international workshops associated with ICCV.

Proposers should note the following points:

Submitting a proposal

Proposals should be sent to the ICCV 2005 Workshops Chair, Bill Triggs (, by Sunday 9 January 2005. We hope to notify acceptances by 28 February 2005. The following information should be provided, either in the e-mail or on a proposed workshop website.