[[:software|Back to Software]] ====== Adage ====== ===== Artificial Dataset Generator ===== Adage is used to generate datasets of synthetic humans in realistic 3D environments. A game engine is used (Unity3D) to setup and render the scenes. Models from Kinovis are used. Code: /scratch/vasher/xmartin/src/adage Generated dataset: /home/clear/xmartin/adage/dataset/v1 The dataset is composed of sequences. A sequence is set in a 3D scene, and can contain 1..H humans and 1..C cameras. Humans can be positioned explicitly, or using a strategy built in Adage such as "snap to random point on navigation mesh". Likewise, cameras can be positioned explicitly or using a strategy such as "random position and tilt in close proximity". Each sequence is defined in a separate XML file with all of these choices. [[adage:sequence_xml|Sequence XML format]] ===== Unity project overview ===== /scratch/vasher/xmartin/src/adage/unity_proj/Adage * Assets/ * Adage/ * AdageScenes/ * **adage_mainscene.unity** -- first scene loaded, contains AdageController * **debug_scene.unity** -- sample scene for tests * Resources/ -- this folder has special status within Unity, can load at runtime * Cameras/ * CamFixed.prefab -- instantiated for every camera, has ImageSynthesis setup * Scripts/ * AdageController.cs -- **entry point**, orchestration, loads AdageSequence * AdageHuman.cs -- generic human class (not 100% clean) * AdageHumanKinovis.cs -- most of the **logic for humans** is here * AdageSequence.cs -- one instance for every .xml sequence file * ImageSynthesis -- **save ground-truth to png files** (slightly modified external module) * OBJImport -- **on-the-fly OBJ importer** (requires "Standard (Specular setup)" shader) * PostProcessing -- required by some of the assets * SMPL -- not used currently, SMPL model * store_dl -- scenes are stored here