====== Tutorials ====== ===== Libraries and Toolkits ===== * [[tutorials:Pudb:Pudb|Nice debugger tool for python]] * [[tutorials:profile|Tool visualizing the profile of a python code]] * [[tutorials:faqcaffe|Some tips for caffe]] * [[tutorials:matlab_caffe_ubuntu|Caffe matlab bindings on Ubuntu (needed for fastRCNN/DeepCut)]] * [[tutorials:oar_tips|OAR tips & tricks]] * [[tutorials:robot|Playing with UR robot]] * [[tutorials:docker:index|Docker]] * [[tutorials:matlab:index|Matlab at Inria]] ===== System ===== * [[tutorials:system:working_from_home|Working from home]] * [[tutorials:oar_tutorial|OAR Tutorial]] * [[tutorials:shared_cluster|Shared cluster]] * [[tutorials:system:windows|Access Windows Server in Inria]] * [[tutorials:system:use_windows|Use Window PC]] * [[tutorials:gforge|Versioning with Inria GitLab or Inria GForge (git/svn)]] * [[tutorials:exports|NFS volume sharing]]