[[nips_3d_pose:main|NIPS 3D pose estimation]] ====== How to test an existing model ====== ===== test_caffe_model.sh ===== This script runs a trained model on a given test-set, and outputs absolute error (mm), transformed (mm) and pixel error (on 220x220 images). inputs: - caffemodel trained - clustering used during training (matlab file) - network definition file (DEPLOY version of trained network) - test set (.h5 file, must contain '/data' and '/joints3D_centered') dependencies/called functions: - source_common_deps.sh : Caffe path, Matlab path, etc.. - extract_data_h5.m : extracts images from an .h5 file - caffe_for_matlab_ubuntu.py : runs Caffe from a given set of images in Matlab .mat format - compute_absolute_error.m : given a testfile, a clustering, and the caffe output, compute absolute error ===== Preparing input ===== - h5 test set: joints3D_centered should have joints centered around the back of the skeleton, in meters